Thursday, August 28, 2014

Baby Names Thursday - Old English Emphasis

Welcome to week three of Baby Names Thursday

Baby Naming Tip of the Week

A baby name may sound cute while your child is small, but one thing to consider is how the child will feel as an adult with that name. Can you picture your son/daughter meeting a future employer with that name? Cutesy baby names are fun and i'll admit adorable, but think about the your child's lifelong picture.  Will this name suit an adult? 

Most of these featured names will fit for both babies and adults. This week I feel in love with many of Old English names, but some are still growing on me.  Most of the names make me feel like I'm in a romance novel. ;) Really though what pretty names.  Hope you enjoy the names of the week. 

Old English Baby Names


  1. I love old fashioned names. I really like Beverly!

    1. Me too! Some of those names are simply lovely :) Thanks for reading!

  2. Where is my son's name on your list. My son is named Geoffrey.

    1. That's an awesome name. This week I only did baby girl names! Maybe another week I will do old english boy names!

  3. Love some of these! Blythe, Hollis, Wren... my husband is super picky so I'd have to ask him, lol. Maybe if we have another girl... :)
